Saturday, June 12, 2010


Two days ago, I decided to jump. I have been a lawyer for over ten years and I am done. I will finish the cases I have and will perhaps take a case or two in the future if they really inspire me, but I am otherwise done. I have virtually no money saved and I have almost no idea what's next. It's either completely crazy or utter genius--time will tell. I've been practicing trust and faith and I am really surprised to find that in most moments I really do know that the universe will work perfectly and my life is going to explode in beautiful ways. In other moments, I panic. But it wouldn't be a risk or a stretch if I didn't panic a little.

I decided to see what the universe provides and, as I was reading Fernando's blog, Amazing Creation, I realized how much I enjoy it and how much I would like a forum to write down my thoughts from time to time. Voila! Universe Nudge #1! So, in the spirit of taking action--any action--here's my first official blog post. Thanks, Fernando, for the inspiration. There's so much more to come!


  1. Can I be the first one to comment?? This is great. Me-inspiration? Hard to believe at times, but I get the point.

    So I might have not sounded soo excited when you first told me but I think it's pretty amazing what you're doing- just jumping with faith. Everything will be perfect and it'll take you to where you hadn't even imagined! I'm soo excited for you!

    Love you lots!

  2. Awesome. I'm so glad about this!! Adding you to my Reader feed right now. Rock on!
